Discus breeding is among the preferred fish that people like to see in their aquariums. They are bring in colour and quite adaptive to folk and are always aware of things around them. They follow you around and you don?t have ask for anything more than clean and safe water. By learning on how to keep a cleaner water for your fresh water Discus you can give it a long life. They require just a little advanced care but do have unique environment. Below are some tips, which you have to keep in mind always:
Check the pH level
Tarnished water does as much damage as good for the fish. The natural habitat of Discus fish contains warm and acidic temperature. Therefore , before you put the fish in water check the pH balance of the water available in your neighborhood. It should be between 5 to 6.5. The correct way to test the water is after it's been standing for a minimum of 24 to 48 hours. You need to use a pH meter for this.
Avoid using treated water but try and duplicate the natural environment as closely as practicable.
Change the water continually
To keep the water fresh you have to change is continually. It is recommended that you change 15 to 20% of tank water every day. This is crucial in order to remove harmful toxins and waste from the water which can change the pH balance.
Discus fish like to follow a routine and aren't exceedingly comfortable with changes. So feeding and water change time has to fixed. The good time to modify the water is after the feeding time. This way you can get rid of waste and left over food. Also maintain a routine helps them adjust with the environment better.
Keep the tank clean
A clean tank will aid you in keeping the water clean. Keep the tank free from dangerous decorations which can harm the fish. Also gravel is an ideal hiding place for waste and harmful objects, so keep your aquarium free of gravel. Keep a watch on deposits and algae round the tank and keep it clean.
Water temperature
A touch warm temperature will keep Discus fish ecstatic. You can install a fluorescent light within the fish tank to maintain the water temperature to roughly 82 to 86 degrees. Employ a thermometer to test the water temperature frequently. When you change the water make sure that there is no great temperature variation.
It is important to keep clean and fresh water, or the fish can fall sick and even die.
Harry Koots is a professional Aquarius and he has been teaching people on how discus breeding is done succesfully.
Since it isn't a very simple fish to keep, and breeding them in aquariums is even tougher. Harry will teach you the way to keep this fresh water discus in an aquarium that is massive enough for them, giving them high quality food etcetera.
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Tags: discus breeding, fresh water discus
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